
I am an Associate Professor and Gary Stuck Faculty Scholar in Education at the School of Education at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. My research focuses on the relationship between schools, the law, and education policy. In particular, I’m interested in the historical development, modern use, and on-going effects of the metrics we use to describe and evaluate our schools. Whether it’s student grades, standardized test scores, or measures of effective teaching metrics are embedded everywhere in our school system. My work asks: where did these numbers come from? How did they become central to the operation of schools? And what effects have they had for how we think about what schools can and should do?


Could not be happier to announce that a book I have been working on for years with my co-author Jack Schneider, is now available from Harvard University Press. The book is called Off the Mark: How Grades, Ratings, and Rankings Undermine Learning (But Don’t Have To). You can order the book from the press here or from your favorite local book seller.

Excited to have a chance to bring a historical perspective to the issue of quantifying and ranking the work of schools for the Washington Post. If you’re interested in an extended (and more academic) take on these issues, you might enjoy some of my earlier work on these issues.

Contact information

Email: ehutt@unc.edu
Twitter: @ehutt1
Mailing Address: Peabody Hall, Suite 201, Chapel Hill, NC 27599