Below you fill find links to some of my most recent research loosely grouped by theme. If you can’t find the a copy of a paper you’re looking for, please email me and I will get you a copy.
Metrics & Accountability Systems
Ethan Hutt and Morgan Polikoff, “Toward a Framework for Public Accountability in Education Reform,” Educational Researcher.
Daniel Klasik and Ethan L. Hutt, “Bobbing for Bad Apples: Accreditation, Quantitative Performance Measures, and the Identification of Low-Performing Colleges,” Journal of Higher Education.
Michael Gottfried & Ethan L. Hutt (eds.) Absent from School: Understanding and Addressing Absenteeism (Harvard Education Press).
Ethan L. Hutt “‘Seeing Like a State’ in the Post-War Era: The Coleman Report, Longitudinal Datasets, and the Measurement of Human Capital,” History of Education Quarterly.
Ethan L. Hutt, “The GED and the Rise of Contextless Accountability,” Teachers College Record.
Ethan L. Hutt, “Measuring Missed School: The Historical Precedents for the Measurement and Use of Attendance Records to Evaluate Schools” Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk.
Heinz-Dieter Meyer, Daniel Tröhler, David Labaree, and Ethan L. Hutt, “Accountability: Antecedents, Power, and Processes” Teachers College Record.
Grades & Standardized Testing
Ethan Hutt and Jack Schneider, “A History of Achievement Testing in the United States Or: Explaining the Persistence of Inadequacy” Teachers College Record.
Ethan Hutt and Mitchell S. Stevens, “From Soldiers to Students: The Tests of General Educational Development as ‘Diplomatic Measurement’” Social Science History.
Jack Schneider and Ethan Hutt, “Making the Grade: A History of the A-F Marking Scheme” Journal of Curriculum Studies.
Ethan Hutt and Jack Schneider, “A Thin Line between Love and Hate: Educational Assessment in the United States” In Student Assessment Cultures in Historical Perspectives edited by Cristina Alarcón & Martin Lawn.
Education Law
Ethan Hutt, Daniel Klasik, and Aaron Y. Tang, “How Do Judges Decide School Finance Cases?” Washington University Law Review.
Ethan Hutt and Morgan Polikoff, “Reasonable Expectations: A Reply to Elmendorf and Shanske 2018” University of Illinois Law Review Online.
Jessica Gottlieb, Ethan Hutt, and Benjamin Superfine, “Casual Stories in Vergara v California” Educational Policy.
Ethan Hutt and Aaron Y. Tang. “The New Education Malpractice Litigation” Virginia Law Review.
Ethan Hutt, “Formalism Over Function: Compulsion, Courts, and the Rise of Educational Formalism in America” Teachers College Record.
Teacher Preparation, Credentialing, Instruction
Julie Cohen, Ethan Hutt, Rebekah Berlin, and Emily Wiseman, “The Change We Cannot See: Instructional Quality and Classroom Observation in the Era of Common Core” Educational Policy.
Julie Cohen, Ethan Hutt, Rebekah L. Berlin, Hannah M. Mathews, Jillian P. McGraw, and Jessica Gottlieb, “Sense Making and Professional Identity in the Implementation of edTPA” Journal of Teacher Education.
Ethan Hutt Jessica Gottlieb, and Julia Cohen, “Diffusion in a Vacuum: edTPA, Legitimacy, and the Rhetoric of Teacher Professionalization” Teaching and Teacher Education.
Michael J. Gottfried, Michael, J. Jacob Kirksey, and Ethan Hutt, “Can Pre-Service Teaching Programs Help New Teachers Feel Prepared to Address Absenteeism?” Teachers College Record.